Golden Eyed Commander of Wishes

$1,000.00 - Sold out
Image of Golden Eyed Commander of Wishes Image of Golden Eyed Commander of Wishes Image of Golden Eyed Commander of Wishes

Delicately Hand Woven Silk Panel, Alum Crystals, Preserved w/Palaroid b72

After I made this piece I thought this looks just like the Princess from The NeverEnding Story and I almost named it Childlike Empress, but I remembered that she also went by a few other names in the book. I have to say The Childlike Empress was probably one my favorite characters growing up. In a swath of white and sparkle with her hair pulled back I wanted to be her.

*The Childlike Empress (also known as the Golden Eyed Commander of Wishes or Moon Child) is a character in Michael Ende's novel The Neverending Story. She is the supreme and immortal ruler of the mystical universe called Fantastica.